Implement Auspiciousness, the Rest will Follow – Pair of Golden Fish ─ Auspicious Clarity
Spry and carefree,
vitality unbound.
Flawless, in propitious light,
auspicious is this aquatic pair.
吉祥美好時光 , 双鱼—澄明吉祥
Design Concept
From Where Do These Eight Auspicious Offerings Come?
The Eight Auspicious Offerings of Buddhism, the world’s mightiest protectors, is comprised of the following: precious umbrella, pair of golden fish, vase of treasure, lotus flower, white conch, auspicious diagram, victory banner and dharma wheel.
It is written in sutras that on his path to enlightenment, Buddha was bestowed many tributes - the Eight Auspicious Offerings was one.
◆ A pair of golden fish: agile, carefree and exceptional; eyes deep with insight, attracting luck and dispelling evil. It also symbolize Buddha’s eyes. A fish’s eyes never close. Like Buddha, keeping a watchful gaze on this sentient world and its inhabitants.
◆ Weary in mind and body:
In life, complications are inevitable. That which you anticipate may often not come to fruition. Those whom you attach to may be the ones who hurt you the deepest causing you to lose your own way.
These two golden fish are a blessing. Their eyes penetrate the opaque waters, guiding us toward insight, evading suffering and turmoil.
Its body traverses heaven and earth with ease, reshaping opposition into harmony. Enlightenment, separation, understanding, tolerance - all becomes clear.
殊胜宝伞,吉祥双鱼,如意宝瓶,悦意妙莲, 悦音海螺,圆满盘长,不朽胜幢,自在金轮
◆ 双鱼,灵动自由和超越,双眼洞察事物本质,象征趋吉避邪。 双鱼也代表佛眼,金鱼眼睛常开,就像佛时时刻刻照顾众生,永不舍离众生。
◆ 《感觉身心疲惫》时的对境: