Victory by Daybreak
With a courageous heart
and a tenacious will,
you weather every storm from a high
Each effort
meticulous and precise,
you change the course
and rewrite the rules.
前进 未至之境 - 进击在黎明之前
劈波斩浪 高飞
不局限前 敢于突破
Design Description
The hummingbird rides an azure wave. Mid-flight with outstretched wings, it flies toward the future with determination and courage. As the hummingbird is a pollinator, the design features the bird’s long beak as a symbol of its mission. In this vast world of beauty, no matter large or small, every creature has its place. This is a perfect gift for encouragement and appreciation.
从自然感悟,致敬生命的智慧 《敬天爱人 无所畏惧》、《进击在黎明之前 无往而不胜》无论是巨大的大鲸或是微小的蜂鸟,同样大爱无私,保护同类,传递生命能量。因为在秩序里,万物行驶于轨道中。「天人合一」无他,就是顺应自然,跟着自然走,应和日月星辰,四季移转,日出而做日落而息人,回到秩序里,因为回到秩序,人心安定。安定,让人产生安全感,让人愿意互助互爱,这就是和谐,就是一股力量,这是自然教育人类的一课。 突破这个未知而向阳飞行 这是一只不顾一切的蜂鸟,在琉璃的光影色彩里,因为厚薄变化,也能在琥珀里找到琉璃的光影变化,就像是自然界一样,光线里的丰富层次,蓝色的长嘴,象徵与天地融为一体的决心及速度,是蓄力之后,爆发、勇往直前… 推荐此件作品可作为赠与升官、转职、调职之场合;或商家扩点、开业志庆等企业赠礼。