A Radiant Heart
A radiant heart
drives light
into every corner
for fulfillment and opulence
in the new year.
Design Concept
The classic peacock in Chinese art is a theme often represented in narratives pertaining to benevolence and beauty. It is a symbol of opulence, of a richness beyond wealth but in heart and virtue. Indeed, as referenced by “The Lost Book of Zhou,” these virtues symbolized by the animal are: Loyalty, trust, respect, strength, gentleness, stability, purity, and fluidity. Here, studio artists chose to emphasize on that internal beauty by crafting the sculpture in negative relief. The elegant feathers of the bird fan out, radiating an effulgence from within that is encapsulated in one indelible message of the true richness of a beautiful and radiant heart.
中国传统常以孔雀入画,并悬挂于厅堂显著的位置。不仅因为孔雀的翎羽绮丽,姿态婀娜,有富贵吉祥的寓意,更借“九德”显示主人高尚的品德和修养。 在世界各地,孔雀也被视作吉祥、善良、美丽、华贵的象徵,在艺术、传说、文学和宗教上久负盛名。希腊神话中,孔雀象徵著赫拉女神。在中国和日本孔雀被视为优美和才华的体现。它们是神话中「凤凰」的化身。 《华美全方位》作品,阴刻的孔雀,羽毛细緻入微,层层向外无限绽放发展, 块面与抛光的设计,让孔雀的图案反射于内,其琉璃与光的互动,营造熠熠生辉的丰富层次。 风水中,孔雀属阳鸟,百无禁忌,可化煞镇宅,招财引贵,给家庭带来兴旺。俗话说“凤凰不落无宝地”,“孔雀落谁家,谁家就兴旺”。因此,家中客厅挂孔雀图,可提振住宅风水,增旺主人财运、事业运!
Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary.