Fortune Four Ways
A precious pearl held near and dear to the heart.
Love that is true,
is verdant and harmonious
it comes from north, south, east and west.
Design Concept
Blessed by the sunshine and rain of autumn, the branches are full of abundant and sweet fruits, symbolizing the culmination of life. The persimmon, with its plump and golden-red appearance, displays a radiant and translucent quality that represents the gathering of energy from the sunlight. Its simple geometric cross-shaped stem also signifies the essence of life gathered from all corners of the universe, manifesting as a fruitful achievement. The stem's polished top surface highlights the beauty of its rippled texture and bubbles, representing vitality. This fruit's plump and round shape resembles the auspicious symbol of a "ruyi," while the four symmetrical bat coin reliefs on its sides signify continuous blessings and prosperity. With its homophonic association to the word for "affairs," the persimmon also embodies the wish for everything to go smoothly and "as one wishes." Truly a magnificent and meaningful fruit!
在秋天的陽光和雨水的祝福下,樹枝上結滿了豐富而甜美的果實,象徵著生命的巔峰。柿子,以其豐滿和金紅色的外觀,顯示出一種光芒四射和半透明的品質,代表著從陽光下聚集的能量。它簡單的幾何十字形莖也像徵著從宇宙的各個角落聚集的生命精華,表現為豐碩的成就。莖的頂部拋光錶面突出了它的波紋紋理和氣泡之美,代表著活力。這種水果的豐滿和圓潤形狀類似於 "如意 "的吉祥象徵,而其側面的四個對稱的蝙蝠幣浮雕則像徵著持續的祝福和繁榮。柿與 "事 "一詞同音,也體現了希望一切順利和 "如意 "的願望。這確實是一種宏偉而有意義的水果!