Omnipresent Fortune
Stationed at the top of the world it leads with benevolence.
With steady, unhurried steps it gains ground;
No wonder & dash;
As it is destined for fortune.
Design Concept
LIULI’s pixiu is a mythical beast of wealth but even moreso, a mythical beast of benevolence. With a raised head and four legs planted to the earth in a bow-like tension, it is a beast aided by divinity, dignified and unwavering. Its fiery gaze observes wealth across all corners of the world, while a string of coins extends from its neck down its abdomen to symbolize steady prosperity. The pixiu stands on a stage in the shape of the ancient beidou astrology viewing platform, guiding us in the right direction. It also recalls the Chinese pavilion at Expo Shanghai with its inverted steps design or an ancient hat, hence its nickname “Oriental Crown”. The coin covered base symbolizes unwavering tranquility and prosperity. The pixiu is a mythical beast of wealth. Place it in the wealth position of the home, business and office. It is easy on the eyes and can highlight the prosperity of its surroundings and makes an ideal gift to welcome new homes and businesses.
琉璃工房的貔貅,是财兽,更是仁兽。貔貅造型,抬首遥望,四足蹬地成拉弓之势,威武天成有如神助,庄严又稳健。目光如炬,方 海阔口招纳八方财宝,串串铜钱由脖颈处延到腹部,象征财源滚滚。貔貅站立的高台,如同古时祭天望北斗的占星台,带领我们找到前进的方向;或您也可以回忆一下上海世博会的中国馆造型,倒梯形的高台,外形如同古帽,被誉为「东方之冠」。作品底座四面阳刻环绕铜钱树,寓意四方八方安定,财源生生不息。貔貅是招财神兽,可摆放在家宅、商铺、办公场所的财位,具有观赏性,又可彰显环境的雍容华贵。适合开业、乔迁、镇宅等赠礼。