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Crystal Rooster, Winning Determination

Material: Crystal Glass
Technique: Pate de Verre

Limited Edition: 1800 pieces (Worldwide)

SIZE: L 18.3 * W 7.8 * H 21.5cm

Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary.

Winning Determination

Lean in with a fiery gaze that reflects your spirit;
seize the moment.  
Body motionless,
heart resilient like the bamboo.




Design Concept

The rooster has been a beloved topic of scholars across the ages as it embodies the Five Virtues of wisdom, strength, courage, benevolence and loyalty. Virtue is the essential character trait of the rooster and Winning Determination is designed around this concept. He bides his time with confidence and consideration and is equal parts scholar and warrior. The sculpture shows a rooster perched up high, the tension in his body palpable.  With beak slightly open and gaze fixed on its target, it is strategically positioned and poised for victory.  Learn from the Five Virtues of the rooster and its soaring disposition.  Powerful and charismatic, the rooster makes the world his stage. Practice composed observation and wait for the right moment to ensure victory.

The rooster stands atop a large auspicious orange. This imagery captures the notion of “good on top of good” and is the manifestation of the heart’s most propitious blessings.

鸡历来为文人所爱, “文、武、勇、仁、信”,被赞为“五德之禽” 。鸡有“五德” ,向它学习,保持自在昂扬的心态,任何时候都是助力,潇洒泰然处世必能舞出人生好舞台。在沉静中思考观望,等待时机,出击便志在必得。


雄鸡站立的地方是一只大橘子,橘谐音“吉” ,橘上一只大公鸡,寓意“吉上大吉” ,心中最美好的祝福,毫不保留的表现在作品之上。

Crystal Rooster, Winning Determination Crystal Rooster, Winning Determination Crystal Rooster, Winning Determination

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